Had a great time at The Daily Grind Concert Series in Murphy, NC Friday night. I shared the gig with Greg Adkins, and we always have a great time performing together. We've done enough shows together that we can sometimes sound like a duo that has actually practiced. (which we haven't). We had some nice harmony vocals, Greg knows keyboard parts to a few of my songs, and guitar parts to some others, and I can play and sing on about half of his songs as well. If you haven't yet heard Greg's music, please go have a listen at http://www.gregadkinsmusic.com/, and I highly recommend getting a copy of his 'Chase The Western Sky' CD. (which has some of the most stunningly amazing harmony vocals in the history of recorded music). Here's a pitcure of us after about 3 iced mochas.

I have 2 great "quotes of the week" to share with you;
First, my wife and I were waiting in the ticket line at the movie theater to see Batman... There were a couple of college guys in front of us talking about the movies that were playing. One guy asked his friend if he intended to go see Mamma Mia! He summed up all of my deepest feelings about the idea of seeing that movie with his response.. He said, "Mamma Mia! Did you see the previews? I wanted to kill myself." Well said college guy.
Quote #2, came from a meeting of our homeschool group yesterday afternoon. My wife was talking to some friends, when this little nugget of wisdom appeared... "Kids are like Sponge Bob. Well, they're not yellow, but they absorb." Fantastic!
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