Saturday, June 30, 2007

The omop by Method - Fantastic!

So, my wife bought a new mop for cleaning the kitchen floor. She got the omop, from a company called Method. I don't have any idea if it cleans well, but it is by far the best mop on the market today, hands down. Go buy one, whether you're in the market for a mop or not.

The instruction manual is priceless, I've just finished my 3rd full reading of it. I've put a couple photos from the booklet.

I was assembling the handle, when I began to notice the fun somebody had putting this all together. Step 1 of alingning poles says this; "align flat side of male pole with flat side of female pole (this sounds dirtier than it is)" It also worth noting that they officially named the little metal parts you have to push in, "metal doodads".

The inside of the booklet is all about how to use it and keep the floor clean, and it talks about the old saying 'a floor so clean you could eat off of it'. Well, a few pages in, it has a picture of a place setting set out on the floor with instructions where to put silverware, etc.

It goes on and on, and only gets better. Including step 3 of the ceramic tile cleaning page, "allow lovely aroma to conquer your olfactory senses and entice your palate (for food, not the cleaner)"

The fine print sections where it tells what their lawyers said they had to say is well worth pulling out a magnifying glass for as well.

I just can't tell you how impressed I am with this mop. Again, I have no idea if it does a good job cleaning floors, but does it really matter?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Nice reviews for '$12.99'

Here's some recent reviews of '$12.99'. The first site listed,, is a website where anyone can submit a song to be reviewed, and it's gets sent to 5 different reviewers, selected at random. Each reviewer rates the song on a scale of 1-10, in several different categories. Right now, '$12.99' is the highest rated song on the website!

A couple more recent CD reviews;
Parrotheads Ramblings (yes, Jimmy Buffet fans like me too)

FAME Reviews

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Live Recording - Free Downloads

For those of you like free music, here's a couple new downloads for you.
For those of you who don't like free music, well, I guess you can send me some money.
These are from the concert at Swallow Hill Music Hall in Denver on May 19th, featuring Rob Seals on lead guitar.
These are also available on my website, along with several other live and unreleased songs. ( Enjoy!

'Ferris Wheel'

'Black Coffee'

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Vanilla Coke is back!!

If you haven't noticed yet, Vanilla Coke is back!! I have always been a huge fan of Vanilla Coke, and when it came out about 4-5 years ago, I figured I was set for life. But a terrible thing happened on the way to being set for life; the vanilla coke went away.

Never fear my friends, it is back, and good as ever!

Now, don't forget, the best way to get vanilla coke is still straight from the fountain. I recommend South Side Diner's vanilla coke (Goshen, IN).

Sweet tea for lunch, vanilla coke for dinner, sweet dreams!