Thursday, April 05, 2007

Songwriter's In The Round

Had a great night at Eighth & Rail in Opelika Tuesday. There is a monthly songwriter series hosted by Martha's Trouble, and I played this week with Chris Rosser and Jeff Talmadge. Chris, who lives in Asheville, has long been one of my favorite songwriters. It was a thrill to play with him, he's an exceptional piano player as well as guitar. He's also a wonderful producer who has worked with many of my good friends. Check out his music at
Jeff Talmadge lives in Atlanta now, and is an americana songwriter with a great lyrical mind. He writes in a very unique style, that will remind you of something you've never heard before, but remember clearly. If that doesn't make sense, check out his music at and you'll know what I mean.
In addition to Chris and Jeff, bassist Don Porterfield also joined us on stage. Don lives in North Georgia and plays regularly with many of the best singer/songwriters, such as Pierce Pettis, Chuck Brodsky and Billy Jonas. He tours with Jeff quite often and has played with Chris before. He was nice enough to learn a few of my songs, and I loved his parts, it added a lot to the music. I'm hoping to get him on board again soon.

I hope you're enjoying the start of baseball season as much as I am, the Indians are off to a great start, heading towards the pennant already!

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